_ ADULT CLASSES Adult classes encompass the ages 17+. In this class, our goal is to give the student a full understanding and love for the martial arts we teach. Through bag work, mitt owrk and drills, we will help to keep the student fit and healthy. The student will learn combonations, kempos, forms (hand and weapons), grappling and sparring. Sparring is taught on a kickboxing basis. Grappling is based on mixed martial arts techniques (Greco Roman Wrestling, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and small circl ju-jitsu). Classes run 1 hour long.
FITNESS KICKBOXING Fitness kickboxing is a 1 hour long class focusing on kickboxing techniques to help keep you in shape. Through mitt work, bag work, basic drills and boot camp style workout, you will burn calories and stay fit both inside and out. Class requirements- pair of light hand weights and bag gloves.
KICKBOXING This class is a full-out kickboxing technique/fighting class. This class consists of all fighting drills-bag work, mitt work and intense cardio-vascular workout. You will learn strategy and fighting combonations that work in the ring. Class runs 1 hour technique/workout and 1/2 hour sparring session (optional). All kickboxing classes are taught by sanctioned fighters.