_ PEE WEE CLASSES Pee wee classes encompass the ages 4 to 6 years old. In this class, our goal is to develop their skills in the following areas: balance, coordination, concentration and focus. We incorporate drills and techniques through the use of the martial arts to strengthen the aforementioned areas. The students will learn combonations, forms, grappling and sparring. For the safety of the students, most self-defense techniques are practiced only on the instructors and junior instructors. Sparring is based on a point sparring system and grappling touches on the basic techniques (push/pull, controlling the opponent). Classes run 45 minutes.
JUNIOR CLASSES Junior classes encompass the ages 7 - 11 years old. In this class, our goal is to enhance their skills of balance, coordination, concentration and focus. Through bag work and drills we will develop the students strength and fitness levels. The students will learn combonations, kempos, forms (both hand and weapon), grappling and sparring. Techniques are done on eachother to learn proper application of self-defense techniques. Sparring is based on a point sparring system, with some introduction to kickboxing. Grappling teaches the concepts of push/pull, take-downs and opponent control. Classes run 1 hour.
TEEN CLASSES Teen classes encompass the ages 12-16 years old. In this class, our goal is to give the student a full understanding of the martial arts we teach. Through bag work, mitt work and drills, we will help to keep the student fit and healthy. The curriculm is the same as the adult curriculm. The student will learn combonations, kempos, forms (both hand and weapons), grappling and sparring. Techniques are done eachother to learn proper application of self-defense techniques. Sparring will take more of a kickboxing basis, where as in the younger ages it is based on point sparring. Grappling will begin to introduce submissions and choke-outs. Classes run 1 hour.